Saturday, February 27, 2010

Very Motivated

I think I am way too motivated. I got up at 4:30am on a SATURDAY!!!! I totally gave up some time to sleep in. I had somewhere I had to be this morning and knew that I would not want to go to the gym afterwards, so I got up early and went to get it over with. I also spent almost two hours there too. I started my workout with training for the 5k. I ran for ten minutes straight. Woohoo! My treadmill time was 10 minutes running, 5 minutes walking, 8 minutes running, 3 minutes walking, 7 minutes running, and 2 minutes walking. I also always start with a five minute warm up and end with a five minute cool down. I finished my time with circuit training.

February 27th
10min Warm-up w/foam roller
45min Treadmill
45min Circuit Training
10min Stretching
Mileage: 3.5

Gym Time: 1 hour 50 minutes

Weigh-in: 176.9 (I have no clue how I lost over a pound this week after the way I ate throughout the week. I made some unhealthy choices and was in a snacking mood. So I am very excited to have lost some weight this week.)

1 comment:

  1. And you had tons of energy for the coupon fair--you rock!!!
